• Make it rain. Ongoing commission paid while you watch Netflix or chill on the beach. Contact us for details

  • When your clients subscribe, they receive an ongoing discount. Contact us for details.

  • Our Brisbane based team have over 20 years experience in residential and commercial construction, property law and real estate. You or your clients and their end users can contact us via chat bot, phone, email. We love doing Zoom calls to help them troubleshoot any issues.

  • We have done webinars, podcasts, immersions, conferences, summits, exhibitions, presentations, tool-box talks and more. We add you to our partner page and send clients to you where we can. Lets chat about how we can grow your business.


Contact us if you would like to start the conversation.


Builder Elite
Builder Elite is a Melbourne-based business consulting agency that trains and mentors BUILDERS to accelerate their business, increase their profits, and raise industry standards. Builder Elite was founded by George Passas (also director of Pascon) in 2020


Real Estate Institute of South Australia
REISA represents the Real Estate agents of South Australia. inndox has a Special offer for REISA members. Contact REISA or the inndox team for more information.


Straam Engineering Group (New York, USA)
We have built one of the most advanced platforms available for providing technology to easily measure and analyze the performance of structures. This platform, combined with traditional and advanced inspection and analytical techniques, offers the most detailed structural analysis available. Straam has partnered with inndox to provide a complimentary property management software with its unique service. All Straam clients can choose to have inndox software


Association of Professional Builders
Professional Builders who want help growing their business and becoming more profitable should definitely check out our partner APB. Have a Chat to Russ Stephens and the team. They provide proven strategies and tools (like inndox) for builders looking for that coaching and support to get them to the next level. Highly recommended. Click on the logo to register for their next free webinar to find out more.


Builders Coach
Creating lifestyle freedom and tripled profits for builders (Since 2004).

No more dealing with toxic clients, managing overwhelm, or struggling with cash flow or profit. Together we can create better results while reducing your workload, so you can finally build the business and life you want!


inndox has integrated with REX Real estate platform. This allows the automatic creation of inndox accounts for Real Estate Agents and their clients. If you are with another Real Estate Platform then talk to us about integration - we love making the user experience easy and intuitive.


inndox has integrated with Xero. Now your Xero contacts can be imported into inndox with one click. Tradespeople, Suppliers, Property professionals and more. Import company name, phone number, email address, street address, description and contact person to make it easy to share your contacts with every client.