Why it is important for Builders to always have all documents onsite

Since the recent tower fires in Sydney and Melbourne caused by non-conforming and non-compliant cladding, the National Construction Code has been updated.

For Builders, this means needing to be able to show authorities and clients proof of compliance of all the building materials used in the build and approved installation methods while onsite. Builders should work with all professionals involved in the supply chain for the project with these documents, including the designers, architects, manufacturers, suppliers and trades.

If you don’t have all the information close at hand, you could have your site shut down and be subject to hefty fines, which has already happened to a few building sites in Queensland.

Ultimately, the compliance of the building will rest with the Owner, so this means it is more important than ever for Builders and Developers to provide an enduring record for the Owners at handover.

With inndox, your records are safe, secure and available for the life of the property.

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